Pirin Gebirge touren

Pirin Gebirge - Touren, Urlaub, Reisen, Abenteuer
  Pirin mountains are the second highest in Bulgaria after Rila mountains. They are situated in the southwest part of the country in a rather extended shape to the northwest and southeast between the rivers Struma and Mesta. Pirin mountains offer some of the finest walking in Europe and has acquired an Alpine relief - rocky marble or granite peaks and cliffs, deep cirques, well shaped glacier valleys and lakes. However, because of the well-expressed Mediterranean influence through the valleys of the Struma and Mesta rivers, it is the mountain with the greatest number of sunny days throughout the year and annual average temperature in the area of Vihren chalet (2000m) of -3.7C. Northern Pirin is home of the highest peak, Vihren (2914m), of 60 others above 2500m, and of 140-150 glacial lakes.It is also the place where one can find most of the region's ski resorts and hiking centers, as well as 12 chalets and 4 huts which are open for mountaineers the year-round. Because of its unique nature, in 1983 UNESCO decided to include the Pirin National Park in the list of the world's cultural and natural heritage. Pirin National Park is situated in the highest part of the Pirin mountain range. Its landscape is dominated by alpine granite peaks, with scores of gem-like lakes cupped in mountain basins, caves, waterfalls, majestic abysses and cliffs. This area is a home to two biosphere reserves with unique ecosystems including the ancient Baikusheva black fir and many rare plant species, such as the near extinct Edelweiss.

Pirin Gebirge TOUREN

  • Reiten in Rhodopes
    ZEIT: 2 Stunden
    REGION: Pirin Gebirge
    Die Rhodopen, die lyrischsten bulgarischen Berge, befinden sich im südlichsten Teil des Landes. Die Rhodopen sind einer der ältesten Berge in Bulgarien - das Land, wo Panflöte, Orpheus und der orphische Kult entstanden, eine Region reich an Edelsteinen und Erzen, milde ovale Formen und abgerundete bewaldete Gipfel, malerische Dörfer und gastfreundliche Menschen. Sehr interessant sind die Karstgebiete mit ihren tiefen Flussschluchten, großen Höhlen und spezifischen Skulpturen.