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Bulgaria hotels Sandanski property for sale in BulgariaWithout exaggeration the climate of Sandanski can be described as unique. Throughout the year, air temperatures are higher than anywhere else in the country. The average annual temperature (14.7C) is the highest in Bulgaria. The winter is mild and short, and the autumn - long and warm. The relative air humidity is low (66 per cent), and the annual duration of sunshine is no less than 2,436 hours. Sandanski has the lowest annual rainfall in Bulgaria (127 litres per square metre) and almost no foggy days. The air is remarkably clean and pollution free. Apart from its natural beauty, lush vegetation and remarkably wholesome climate, Sandanski also features a multitude of mineral springs. The wells and natural springs situated in two thermal zones have a total flow of 1,500 l/min. The mineral waters have a nearly uniform chemical composition but contain varying quantities of metasilicic acid and fluorine. The waters are clear , colourless, odourless with a pleasant taste: silicic (containing 71 to 135 mg of metasilicic acid per litre), slightly fluoric (3.2 to 6.5 mg of fluorine per litre), hyperthermal (42 to 81C), slightly mineralized, containing sodium hydrocarbonates and sulphates, with a pH value ranging from neutral to mildly alkaline (pH 7.2 to 8).