SHABLA alquiler de coches - Chevrolet Aveo 1.4

Coches de alquiler Shabla » Alquiler de coches Chevrolet Aveo 1.4
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  The Chevrolet Aveo foor-door sedan is a compact car that offers excellent space for five passengers and full comfort for the driver. In the Aveo gets a host of refinements and updates, including a longer wheelbase, freshened exterior with smooth, tidy shapes, and a revised interior styling. Its cabin is spacious, the comfortable seats provide a solid fit, the simple instrument panel has effortless to read gauges and a number of thoughtful storage slots and pockets. Ride and trunk space are other high points - thanks to the folding of its rear seat, a spacious 11.7 cubic-foot trunk opens which is an important characteristic when renting a car for your Bulgarian holiday. Noteworthy is the open-road fuel economy even with car loaded, the zippy performance and sharp steering which all make this economy subcompact sedan very pleasant for everyday transportation. Stylish, extremely maneuverable in tight, crowded quarters and economic too, the Chevy Aveo is a common option when it comes to hiring a car in Bulgaria.

Precios de Alquiler 30-365 dias 15-29 dias 7-14 dias 4-6 dias 2-3 dias

abr. 1 - may. 31 € 147,4 € 150,4 € 154,8 € 159,3 € 162,2
dic. 21 - ene. 6 € 144,4 € 147,4 € 151,9 € 156,3 € 159,3
ene. 7 - mar. 31 € 148,9 € 151,9 € 156,3 € 160,7 € 163,7
jun. 1 - jun. 30 € 151,9 € 154,8 € 159,3 € 163,7 € 166,7
jul. 1 - ago. 31 € 146,7 € 149,6 € 154,1 € 158,5 € 161,5
sep. 1 - sep. 30 € 149,6 € 152,6 € 157 € 161,5 € 164,4
oct. 1 - dic. 20 € 148,9 € 151,9 € 156,3 € 160,7 € 163,7
Los precios de alquiler son por día y no incluyen seguros, extras adicionales e IVA.
Manual caja de cambios, Gasolina, 4+1 pasajeros, 4 puertas, Equipaje: 2 maletas grandes + 1 pequeña, Aire acondicionado, Reproductor de CD, Radio, Bolsas de aire, Halógenos, ABS, Alarma, Cierre centralizado, Dirección asistida, Elevalunas eléctricos, Espejos eléctricos, Alquiler de coches en Shabla - desde  144,4 EUR
  Edad minima del conductor: 21 años